Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nyanyian Tuhan untuk Sammy :')

Do you remember when I said I’d always be there
Ever since we were ten, baby
When we were out on the playground playing pretend
I didn’t know it back then

Now I realize you were the only one
It’s never too late to show it
Grow old together, have feelings we had before
Back when we were so innocent

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you,
squeeze you,
somebody pinch me
(I must be dreaming)
This is something like a movie
And I don’t know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

Through all the dudes that came by
And all the nights that you’d cry
Girl, I was there right by your side
How could I tell you I loved you
When you were so happy with some other guy

Now I realize you were the only one
It’s never too late to show it
Grow old together, have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you,
squeeze you,
somebody pinch me
(I must be dreaming)
This is something like a movie
And I don’t know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I know it sounds crazy
That you’d be my baby
Girl, you mean that much to me
And nothing compares when
We’re lighter than air and
We don’t wanna come back down

And I don’t wanna ruin what we have
Love is so unpredictable
But it’s the risk that I’m taking, hoping, praying
You’d fall in love with your best friend

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you,
squeeze you,
somebody pinch me
(I must be dreaming)
This is something like a movie
And I don’t know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you
, squeeze you,
somebody pinch me
(I must be dreaming)
This is something like a movie
And I don’t know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

I fell in love with my best friend

I remember when I said I’d always be there
Ever since we were ten, baby

Kalimat Inggris diatas adalah Lyric lagu dari BEST FRIEND by Jason Chen..
Barusan gue dapet lagu ini dari temen baik gue Michelle.. :) Thank's for this song.. :) Love it so much.. ^^

Mata gue sudah terpejam sembari gue mendengarkan lagu ini dari lappy..  Yups, gue berniat tidur sambil dengerin ni lagu.. Dan suddenly, gue dapet makna dari beberapa lyric lagu ini yang buat gue tersentuh..
Makna lyric yang gue dapet, bukan makna dari seorang manusia (cowo) yang jatuh cinta dengan sahabatnya (cewe) melainkan Tuhan yang jatuh cinta dengan sahabatnya yaitu gue.. Sepertinya Tuhan ingin ngomong sama gue lewat lyric lagu ini...

Kalo belum paham gue bakal jelasin langsung di lyricnya..

Tuhan berkata :  "Do you remember when I said I’d always be there.. Ever since we were ten, baby"   
Artinya : "Sammy, masih ingatkah kamu saat Aku berkata padamu bahwa, Aku akan selalu ada untukmu? Itu sudah Aku katakan sejak kamu masih kecil.. " (Gue dari lahir emang udah Kristen)

Tuhan berkata : "Now I realize you were the only one.. It’s never too late to show it"
Artinya: "Aku menyadari bahwa kamu sangat berharga bagiKu.. Tak ada kata terlambat untuk menunjukan kasihKu padamu.."

Tuhan berkata: "I pray for all your love.. Girl our love is so unreal.. I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you"
Artinya : "Aku berdoa untuk hatimu Sammy.. Aku berdoa supaya kamu mengasihiKu seperti semula.. Aku tahu buatmu KasihKu terasa tidak nyata.. Aku hanya ingin menggapaimu dan menyentuhmu, bahkan memelukmu, Sam"

Tuhan berkata: "Through all the dudes that came by.. And all the nights that you’d cry..  Girl, I was there right by your side<<  This words are really touching me.. :') 
Artinya : "Melalui semua masalah, pencobaan yang datang.. Dan di semua malam ketika kamu menangis seakan tidak punya pengharapan.. Sammy, Aku selalu ada disampingmu.. " 

Tuhan berkata : "How could I tell you I loved you.. When you were so happy with some other guy"
Artinya: "Bagaimana Aku bisa punya waktu untuk mengatakan bahwa Aku mengasihimu.. Ketika kamu sibuk sendiri dengan pekerjaan dan hobbymu.. Sammy, apa kamu tidak punya waktu untukKu?  "

Tuhan berkata : "Grow old together, have feelings we had before"
Artinya: "Kamu sudah mengenalKu sejak kamu masih kecil.. Aku selalu menyertaimu dimanapun kamu berada."

Tuhan berkata: "I know it sounds crazy.. That you’d be my baby.. Girl, you mean that much to me"
Artinya: "Aku tahu ini terdengar gila.. Tapi, Aku ingin katakan bahwa kamu akan selalu menjadi kekasihKu, kamu sangat berati bagiKu Sam.."

Tuhan berkata: "But it’s the risk that I’m taking, hoping, praying.. You’d fall in love with your best friend"
Artinya: "Aku berharap dan berdoa selalu untukmu Sam,agar kamu dapat kembali mengasihi Aku (teman baikmu) seperti semula"

Tuhan berkata: "I fell in love with my best friend"
Artinya: "Aku mengasihimu teman baikKu."

Terima kasih Tuhan udah ingatkan Sammy lewat lagu ini.. :')
That's all.. Sammy juga mau katakan "I AM FALLING IN  ♥ LOVE ♥ WITH MY BEST FRIEND"

Semoga bisa memberkati temen-temen.. :)
Thanks for reading..
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